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1:1 Sessions

1 to 1 work with you as a neurodivergent person or the parent/care giver to a neurodivergent person


  • 1:1 work with you as a parent or care giver:

  • Perhaps you are having issues with communication which is leading to stress related 'behavioural issues' – I can work with you to look at potential issues such as communication and general neurodivergent understanding.  This might reduce stress and in turn reduce related 'behaviour issues'.


* I use the term 'neurodivergent' as an umbrella term referring to autism, ADHD, Aspergers Syndrome, and all other neurodiverse conditions.

I use the term 'neurotypical' to refer to people without a neurodivergent condition.




“Nothing can dim the light which shines from within.” ― Maya Angelou

Laughing Friends

For example: Improve confidence and understanding of neurodivergent and  neurotypical 'social rules' and 'norms'

This service is a favourite of my autistic clients. Often discussing social experiences and reflecting on them can build insight. Its not about fitting in or standing out, sometimes its just about figuring stuff out and moving on.  


Sessions would focus on what you want, and can include:


Neurodivergent and neurotypical communication differences-  Focusing on the good things, but also on the challenges these differences can create.  Challenges can include increased anxiety, masking, stress related behaviours, and issues with routines and boundaries.


  • Discuss your experiences, how you make sense of different communication methods - what works and does not work for you - and look at improving confidence and understanding.

  • Work with you to create a 'circle of control', emotions document, daily timetable, or communication board.

  • Give support and advice with routines and boundaries.

  • Support you to research local services in your area which may be useful and empowering for you and your family.


Ideas about social boundaries - What they are and where to find them.


Social talking - Working with you to think about ways of blending neurodivergent and neurotypical communication to help you gain understanding and confidence.


After several sessions (face to face or on Zoom) you will gain confidence and develop a better understanding of what works and what doesn't work for you. Hopefully you will feel empowered comfortable in seeing signals and reflecting on what they mean.


The next stage of this can be to practice in real life situations when you are ready. But this is something we build to only if you want to. It is all led by you at your pace.​

The 1:1 session process will look like this:

1to1 process chart.png

1. The first time we meet (over Zoom or face to face) will be a free 30 - 45 minute initial consultation.  This is when we can have a chat, a cup of tea and discuss what your needs are, make a summary of potential ideas, goals, best ways of working, and anything else.

2. If you are comfortable with me and wish to move forward we then agree a plan and sign an agreement to keep us on course – so we are both clear in our expectations of the service. Don't worry, this is not a legal document, it is just a reminder for us both. 

3. We then agree to meet (in Zoom or face to face) and have regular sessions (this can be weekly, fortnightly or monthly for 1 hour – depending on your needs) and once we have reached the amount of sessions agreed in the plan (for example – 3 or 6 sessions) we will have a short recap and review.

4. We will have a review discussion to look at what we have done and see what is working or not working. Our sessions can stop after the first review, or continue until the next review, and so on.

We can adapt the plan, make new goals, or end the sessions – depending on what you want to do.
Figuring out what works and what doesn't work is a big part of getting the right balance and the right service.

Image by Marcus Wallis
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