Specialist Neurodiversity Consultancy
The H.A.P.P.Y Project
The H.A.P.P.Y. Project is an empowering programme of sessions that results in a personalised workbook full of suggestions for activities that come directly from 10 evidence based wellbeing strategies.
The HAPPY workbook is full of bespoke tools, strategies and resources that leaves you as the individual and or as parents or caregivers with a variety of plans and strategies. If plan A does not work you will have a zillion more plans to try.
Depending on every individual’s needs, the processes can be a little bit different, there is no set amount of sessions – but usually looks like this:
For individuals aged 4 - 10: I work with the parents or caregivers with input from the child where possible. Using the information provided from questionnaires and interactions with the child, a HAPPY workbook will be created tailored for the individual child’s needs. This will be full of ideas and suggestions that can increase the child’s overall well-being and happiness. It totally depends on individual needs and how the person prefers to work with me.
For individuals aged 10 - 18: I focus on the child/ adolescent, with input from the parents or caregivers to mould the HAPPY workbook to the individual.
The first part of the workbook focuses on ‘what makes me feel good’ and this is where the individual can give the most accurate information about themselves and their lived experience.
The second part focuses on their resilience and making other people happy - this is where input from parents or caregivers is valuable.
For individuals aged 18 and over: I work with the individual adult. They can decide to create their HAPPY workbook with me, or with added input from their friends, parents or caregivers. As always, it totally depends on individual needs and how the person prefers to work with me.
How it works:
The project is a combination of information gathering, creativity and great ideas put into a HAPPY workbook. It works because we all work together, putting in time and effort to think about that whole person’s wellbeing and observing what works and what does not work for each individual.
Once you have a workbook, it is up to you to use it and continue to develop it.
*Please note the HAPPY Workbook is fully adaptable and can be updated and changed to suit changing wishes and needs*
All of the sessions can be completed through Zoom or in person. They do not need to take place in your home, although that can be useful for maximum creativity.
FREE 50 minute information session about the H.A.P.P.Y Project on Zoom or in person.
We will discuss your needs and how the project may work for you.
The option of 6 HAPPY focused sessions face to face or through Zoom. If less sessions are required, we can do that instead
Completed HAPPY Workbook given to individual
Parents / caregivers or you as the individual complete the Good Feelings and This is Me questionnaires for either themselves or on behalf of their child or adolescent. This information informs me about the individual’s current well-being, unique living situation and their wishes for a happy and fulfilling life. Both questionnaires can be completed with or without support from parents, care givers or me at any time.
The questionnaires are then analysed and information is taken to create the basis of the individuals HAPPY Workbook. Based on the information given in the questionnaires, we develop a unique and personalised workbook with ideas and suggestions to increase the well-being of the person at the centre of the project.
Session 1: Zoom or face to face session that focusses on the psycho-education regarding happiness for you as parents or caregivers or you as the individual, depending on the age and needs and expectations of the person at the centre of the project.
Session 2: Zoom or face to face session. Ideally a home visit to discuss the psycho-education of happiness, the HAPPY Workbook sections and focus on opportunities regarding the 10 wellbeing strategies which include the idea of doing physical activities, using schedules, and creating routines.
Session 3: Zoom or face to face session. We use discussions from session 2 and the questionnaire analysis to shape ideas for the Workbook projects, routines, activities, etc.
Session 4: Zoom or face to face session. We build the Workbook based on the person’s motivations, ambitions, wishes, thoughts for the future, etc. We review what has been tried out so far. Any changes can be made at this point, bearing in mind it is a fully adaptable Workbook that will be updated by you as appropriate.
Session 5: Zoom or face to face session. We complete the workbook in its current form and I give it to you to work from.
Session 6: Zoom or face to face session. Follow-up session 2 weeks after session 5 to discuss what is working well and what needs to change. Any updates can be added to the Workbook.
*Optional follow-up session 6 months after session 6. We will be as flexible as possible throughout.